Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving & X'mas 2D music clip

Wishing you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving & X'mas !
Designed | RubyL

Monday, November 7, 2011

GAME ~ 我的<木野婆婆短編故事集> 問問答答遊戲

 答中3條 Questions, X'mas gift 就送給你, value over $800 !

How to win your Gift ?
Your Email subject: GAME ~ 我的[木野婆婆短編故事集]

Send us email with your name, answers & Contact no. on or before 09Dec 2011.

 Result & the name of the winners will be posted to our Face book page of Makeup Creation on 10Dec 2011.  
* Gift need to be collected on or before 18Dec 2011. *

& LIKE our page NOW ! 


*The winners will be judged by Makeup Creation. 
Makeup Creation reserves the right to revise any terms and conditions at any time.

Updated on 11Dec 2011
Answers :

(1) 鏡子 (2) 愛 (3) 小屋 Wai kin chow congrats to you!! 
We will contact you shortly on how to collect the Hk$ 800 Crabtree &Evelyn X'mas Facial set !

Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Nuffnang Story...03Nov2011

* Come 16 December 2011, 500 bloggers from around the Asia-Pacific region will flock to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2011 in Putrajaya Marriott. The Awards aims to not only honour the region's best bloggers, but also to bring together blogger communities from across Asia-Pacific. The Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards is brought to you by Volkswagen Malaysia and Putrajaya Marriott.

 Nuffnang, what is it?

You can start earning money with advertisement by signing up with Nuffnang Hong Kong?

As a freshman on blog, everything is new and fresh to me.

It all started one day when Candy wrote on my facebook wall encouraging me to join a Halloween makeup contest hosted by Nuffnang Hong Kong. She was actually a client turned friend with my own image studio "Makeup Creation".

With immediate interest to win free admission ticket for two into the Halloween Bash at Ocean Park, I was right into it. But to enrol, I first have to sign up with Nuffnang Hong Kong.

Gosh, it is sooooo scary that I got to edit the HTML code to insert the banner ad in order to complete the registration. I have to admit that I am a programming idiot. I am exceptionally proficient on facebook, my iphone, powerpoint ... but when come to programming code like HTML, it's like letting me along into a haunted house alone.

Thanks to Joyce Kwong, Community Executive of Nuffnang Hong Kong, she responded promptly to my facebook questions and guided me through with step by step information to complete it.

At last, it is done! I now have the ad onto my Blog! And I have also my entry submitted!

Since then, Nuffnang was a quiet spin on my blog. Most people found ad to be an annoying bit on the web, but their ad simply make my blog look more "professional" and "hip"!

Then come Franco Chow @ Nuffnang Hong Kong, whom I know as facebook fans to Candy. He has been encouraging me to participate in invitation-only movie premier for my amateur critics on the screening.  As I'm an avid movie goer and lover, I will be loved to go and you may look forward to my first critics for Naffnang soon once my schedule allowed.

And gald to tell, I have won the admission tickets to the Halloween Bash at Ocean Parks. You may check out my story on how I survived the nightlong haunting by the zombies on my blog.

Thanks to Nuffnang Hong Kong for the many interesting activities we can participate in. Those are not only enjoyable events to go, it also brings fresh and unique material for me to write about on my blog and facebook.

Ruby Lakewood

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ocean Park Halloween Adventure

22Oct 2011 Ocean Park Halloween x Nuffnang 歷險記 ><

Wah 驚訝ing @.@
今年哈囉喂認真過認真, 連入場飛都做埋鬼域護照, 玩得徹底 !


向路邊...比喪屍 bite 到 連肉 都無埋@.@
zombies can bite you any time.... once they bite you...your flesh and blood will all separated

点解间间鬼屋都差不多,連我都認得啲机關. 呢个轉角梗有[鬼]. 又太多人,好似行緊 Nathan road, 連鬼都走唔切.
攪到連我仲要同后面嗰位人兄講, 介唔介意我地行慢啲...

第一个突破可能喺嗰个[絕地反擊戰], infact係一个射擊遊戲,用激光槍打喪屍,但亦会隨時比鬼打中,即時Game Over. 最盞鬼喺當你聚精会神打鬼時,突然会有隻鬼跳出嚟,好鬼驚嚇 V.V


另外喺嗰个[亡魂棺厂],係裏面突然要分開一个人行,滑落个黑媽媽,又窄嘅滑梯,仲要單人匹馬行鬼屋.攪到我驚到企咗响喥,唔噤行想等人離救我. 最攪笑係有隻鬼走出離,我走都走唔到..連隻鬼都叫我快d行,唔洗驚!?我要隻手姐住个頭一直沖出去 T.T

跟住下一个好激的是HTC贊助嗰个[3D惡夢潛行],十分精彩! 因為佢唔止係一个3D影院咁簡單. 你企响裏面,突然間你好似比鬼��咗入口,一時脚底有好多鬼想捉住你隻脚, 一時好似跳樓噤,有時仲突然比火燒,簡直係超激!!

但今年特別懷念嗰个嘩鬼party舞台show,就係少咗lee个show~要响ocean park complaint 吓~

Lucky that we have FAST Pass 至尊飛由六点玩到十一時半,仲有小小時間食雞脾 + 去washroom...
如果唔係 T.T 肯定等足  ( 45 mins x 8 Halloween scary house ) + resting = 第二朝 + 埋無得瞓無得食 @.@